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Southeast Gamers' Game Day is Nov. 2, 2019 10:00 A.M. to 10:00 p.m. (or Join the Team and game throughout the night) 

Southeast Kentucky Community and Technical College, Caudill Building 

What is this?:  Game Day is a 24-hour marathon of gaming to raise money for Kentucky Children's Hospital

How much does it cost?  Though there is no charge for attending, our suggested donation at the door is $10.00 and for that $10.00 donation and every additional $10.00 you donate, you will be entered in our drawing to win some awesome board games, video games, and other cool things donated by our awesome sponsors.

Is the event kid-friendly?  Oh yes!  We encourage parents to bring their kids and we will have lots of cool, family-friendly games that you can check out of our game library (and we will even have someone teach you how to play them).