Past Midnight

Okay, that took a little longer than expected, but I started reading Thoreau's Walden also. (I'm bad for reading two or three books at the same time. Sometimes four or five. My record, which included an audio book, was seven.) I was going between chapters for a bit, but finally just sat down today to finish Midnight.
How sould I put this? Um . . . Wow, comes to mind. When last we parted, I told you about the hook with Nathan Brazil. Anyway, this grand construct of the Well World, in fact, becomes just an ordinary setting (well, as ordinary as an artificially created world can be). All the mysteries around Brazil are slowly revealed in the grand quest to make it to the legendary Well of Souls. Everything that I hypothezied about the character wasn't just wrong - it wasn't even close. He truly must be one of the most unique and remarkable characters ever created. I cannot believe I waited so long to read this book.
Speaking of which, Midnight at the Well of Souls is the first of a series, but it can be read as a stand alone novel. I don't know if Chalker wrote this book then the others to hook into the enthusiasm of his readers or if there was a grand plan from the beginning. Whatever it may be, this is one of the great books that has a definite beginning, middle, and end, that isn't afraid to explore incredible ideas. I highly recommend it. Highly. And while I desperately want to dive into the second book, I do not feel cheated or compelled to read it the way a lot of authors today get their readers to do by having cruel and obvious cliffhangers. I can now finish my other reading, while merely looking forward to seeing how, and if, Chalker was able to top himself.
Unfortunately, I think this book is out of print. I know Baen picked it up a few years ago. But as I said before, the do have the ebook available, and you don't have to buy the whole series. Hold a sec . . . yep, I was right. You can get Midnight for $4.00. It is a very worthy investment.
Here's the link to save you some typing: Midnight at the Well of Souls.

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