Some of my fellow gamers are truly idiots

As a gaming longbeard, I remember the days when gamers were embarassed to self-identify as such. The gamer stereotyping (virginal, dirty, basement-dwelling dweebs) was just too prevalent and strong, and it kept many of us in the proverbial closet. Recent years have seen gaming go mainstream to such an extent that the old stereotypes have faded away. Still, that doesn't stop a whole lot of gamers from trying to bring the labels back or make them even worse. Check out the depressing response to one writer's complaint that there were no female protagonists on display at Microsoft's E3 press conference. It is both predictable and depressing in a hobby now dominated by the bro-gaming COD fans that gender relations would move from peacable to hostile in the blink of an eye.
Guys, if your first response to a woman bringing up a gender-inequity issue is to call her a "cunt," you may need to seek counceling. You have issues that likely aren't going to go away on their own.
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