My first Rocket League (Multiplayer, Online) Goal...

This game is a blast. I'll be writing (probably a lot) more about it soon and likely posting a gazillion videos, but now that the online servers are up and stable, I thought I'd share my first online goal. Actually, this was technically my second goal, but my first was one that made the score 1-8 with my team losing and I forgot to hit the [Share] button. This one tied the game and we went on to win, so I'm going pretend the other didn't happen. If you want to play some Rocket League with me, I'm Armchairdan on PSN (1. PSN really needs to let people change their usernames 2. Armchair Empire R.I.P.). Add me and we will play. I swear I rarely yell GOOAALLL!!! at the top of my lungs with the microphone on.
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