Nerd Props to . . .

Kickstarter is one of those things that can be good or bad, like any tool, depending upon how it’s used. By bad, all one must do is recall the joker (“Who’s more foolish,” said Obi Wan, “the fool or the fool that follows him?”) who raised oodles of money for potato salad. Then I think how unfair that is compared to a project by Clear Water Aquarium (home of Winter the Dolphin) which unable to make their goal. Anyway, I’m sure there’s been lots of good, bad, and ugly, but one thing’s for sure, Kickstarter has been an asset to the nerd community: novels get written, rpgs get published, and films get produced. For example, Ken Whitman has funded a film based upon the classic Traveller rpg. Gaming master Monte Cook funded his new rpg masterpiece Numenera. Living Legend Larry Elmore funded a beautiful tome of his life’s work. For all the good and bad of it, Kickstarter has opened the door for artists and fans. Nerd Props Kickstarter!